
BDA Global provides a range of process improvement, information technology, and organizational resilience services to its clients. The following is a partial client list which illustrates the breadth of BDA Global’s experience:

US Department of Transportation

Organizational Resilience Client

BDA Global developed a comprehensive Reconstitution Plan for the Department of Transportation’s Headquarters.  The project entailed conducting interviews with departmental and modal COOP process owners to gather primary data on current operational requirements and working with Security and Facilities personnel to develop an actionable Reconstitution Plan.

Federal Election Commission

IT Services Client

BDA Global was engaged to perform Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) and Information System Contingency Planning (ISCP) services for the FEC.  The role includes prioritizing FEC systems for recovery and working with technology stakeholders to develop robust Disaster Recovery strategies.

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

Process Improvement Client

BDA Global performed a business process reviews of NRCS’s Regulatory and Policy issuance processes.  The project entailed conducting interviews with process owners to gather primary data, documenting “as-is” process maps, performing value-stream analysis, and making recommendations for organizational/operational improvement.  More specifically, consultants designed recommendation to streamline the issuance and management of the issuance of regulatory and policy guidance.

US General Services Administration

Organizational Resilience Client

BDA Global performed a Business Impact Analysis to support GSA’s Continuity Program and to ensure compliance with Federal Continuity Directive 2.  The project involved interviewing key personnel from all major divisions, mapping business processes, and developing Recovery Time Objectives for Mission Essential Functions.  BDA Global subsequently developed COOP Playbooks for GSAs Departments.

US Navy

Organizational Resilience Client

BDA Global performed a Medical Direction study for CNIC and developed strategies to improve resource alignment and to enhance the long-term readiness of Commander Navy Installations Command (CNIC) to respond to emergency events on Naval facilities.

Inter-American Development Bank

IT Services Client

BDA Global conducted an IDB-wide risk assessment that included an analysis of natural, technological and human­-caused risks and threats that could impact organization’s most critical activities, including a specific review of the organization IT infrastructure, redundancy and recovery capabilities.

US Department of Commerce

Process Improvement Client

BDA Global provided Service Optimization Planning advisory services and support to improve customer service delivery and outcomes for the Department of Commerce’s Minority Business Development Agency’s 44 business centers.  BDA performed a range of analytic tasks to support the agency’s annual procurement to engage Field Office operators, collected raw data through interviews and survey instruments with stakeholders, developed recommendations for improvement, and developed a Service Optimization Manual for Field Benefit Operators, with specific Standard Operating Procedures for customer service quality and for guiding the Operators to self-sustaining operations.

District of Columbia Department of Healthcare Finance

IT Services Client

During a multi-year contract BDA Global performed Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Information Security/Information Technology Risk Assessments for DHCF and provided a range of Remediation Services to mitigate risk to Personally Identifiable Information and Protected Health Information.

US Navy

Process Improvement Client

BDA Global was engaged by the NAVFAC Expeditionary Program Office (NEPO) to conduct a effectiveness and efficiency study of program performance of the NEPO Systems Command (SYSCOM) emphasizing operational reviews, management observations, comparative analysis and benchmarking, and organizational and managerial structure.  The services that were evaluated as part of this study included planning, acquisition, design, development, testing, production, fielding, management, operations, maintenance, sustainment, improvement, modification, disposal, customer service, service delivery, and others as necessary.

Children’s National Medical Center

IT Services Client

BDA Global developed a comprehensive IT Continuity Plan for Children’s National Medical Center, including conducting a Business Process Analysis and planning for the recovery of medical technologies critical to ensuring continued service delivery after a disruption.  BDA Global also planned and executed a tabletop exercise with key information technology and executive participation, based on the basic scenario of the Federal National Level exercise.

Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)

Organizational Resilience Client

BDA Global supported the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) program for several years.  The scope of our services included developing and maintaining COOP Plans and Occupant Emergency Plans for multiple oversees offices, as well as supporting MCC’s participation in National Level Exercises.

City of Raleigh, North Carolina

IT Services Client

BDA Global developed an Information Technology (IT) Business Continuity Plan for the City of Raleigh’s IT Department.  The engagement included conducting a Business Impact Analysis, developing emergency management and IT contingency strategies and vetting with management and stakeholders, and developing and vetting a final plan.

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Organizational Resilience Client

BDA Global supported the Continuity of Operations Planning and Disaster Planning program for the FTC. BDA’s role included developing a business impact analysis, determining priorities for recovery, and developing strategies to protect critical resources and resume operations timely. BDA Global also supported the FTC’s participation in the Eagle Horizon exercise.

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

Process Improvement Client

BDA Global performed a management assessment for NIEHS, which included examining the current model for delivering IT services to the organization and developing recommendations to streamline how and when services are delivered.  The scope of the examination included conducting interviews and focus groups with key personnel and management to document how services are currently delivered and working collaboratively with key personnel to determine where there is opportunity for improvement.

Mississippi Department of Employment Services (MDES)

IT Services Client

BDA Global developed an IT Business Continuity Plan for MDES, including data and voice continuity.  Our team leveraged the CONTINUUM web-based business process analysis software to identify and rank recovery needs and supporting requirements and developed an actionable plan for the recovery of time sensitive systems.

National Archives and Records Management

Process Improvement Client

BDA Global performed Business Process Reviews of the Office of the Federal Register’s 12 major publications and deploying Lean Six Sigma methodologies to identify opportunities for improvement.  More specifically, the project involved conducting interviews and developing “as-is” value stream maps of each of the publications and developing recommendations for process alignment.

Florida State Board of Administration (SBA)

Organizational Resilience Client

BDA Global provided SBA with Continuity of Operations Planning assessment and COOP development services.  The scope included assessing Continuity of Operations and Disaster Recovery plans and revamp plans to make them more actionable.

City of Red Deer (Canada)

IT Services Client

BDA Global provided IT Contingency/Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) services to the City of Red Deer.  The project phases include the development a risk assessment to identify, rank and mitigate physical, technology, and operational risks; the performance of a Business Impact Analysis to identify and rank IT systems, interdependencies, and operational support requirements; the development of DRP options and recommendations; cost benefit analysis; and DRP development.

Workforce West Virginia

IT Services Client

BDA Global developed an IT Contingency Planning and Business Continuity Strategy for Workforce West Virginia’s Unemployment Compensation Division, the organization is responsible for making unemployment benefit eligibility decisions and for administering unemployment benefits to eligible recipients across State.

National Grid

Organizational Resilience Client

BDA Global developed shelter-in-place plans for the U.S facilities of National Grid, the third largest utility company in the world. BDA Global designed both facility-specific plans and generic templates that could be used by National Grid emergency management personnel to develop SIP plans in-house.

Georgetown University

IT Services Client

BDA Global evaluated Georgetown University’s Information Services’ (UIS) planning infrastructure and capabilities and developed recommendations to streamline and improve its level of preparedness.  The project involved an evaluation of the University’s Information Technology Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Programs and included a thorough review of planning and response infrastructure, documentation, and methods.

National Transportation Safety Board

Organizational Resilience Client

BDA Global performed a Business Impact Analysis to support the NTSB’s Business Continuity Program and to ensure compliance with Federal Continuity Directive 2.  The project involved interviewing key personnel from all major divisions, mapping business processes, and developing/validating Mission Essential Functions.  BDA Global is currently supporting the NTSB’s Continuity of Operations (COOP) program.